We recognize the positive contribution of migrants for inclusive growth and sustainable development. We also recognize that international migration is a multi-dimensional reality of major relevance for the development of countries of origin, transit and destination, which requires coherent and comprehensive responses.

Here are some benefits of joining the Bangladeshi Global Diaspora Council:

Access to exclusive events and programs: As a member of the BDGDC, you may receive invitations to exclusive events, such as business forums, cultural festivals, and networking receptions. These events provide opportunities to meet and connect with other members of the diaspora community and gain insights into the latest developments in Bangladesh.

Professional development opportunities: The BDGDC offers a range of professional development opportunities, including mentorship programs, career workshops, and leadership training. These opportunities can help you enhance your skills, expand your network, and advance your career.

Business and investment opportunities: By joining the BDGDC, you can gain access to information about business and investment opportunities in Bangladesh. This can help you identify potential partners, investors, or customers and expand your business or investment portfolio.

Advocacy and representation: As a member of the BDGDC, you can have a voice in advocating for the interests of the Bangladeshi diaspora. The council represents the community’s views on various issues, including immigration policies, trade agreements, and cultural exchange programs.

Cultural exchange: The BDGDC promotes cultural exchange between Bangladesh and its diaspora community worldwide. As a member, you can participate in cultural events, learn about the country’s history and heritage, and share your own cultural experiences with others.

Overall, joining the Bangladeshi Global Diaspora Council can provide you with a range of benefits, including access to exclusive events and programs, professional development opportunities, business and investment opportunities, advocacy and representation, and cultural exchange.

BDGDC Membership

  1. Non Profit Organization: An organization like the BDGDC is likely structured as a non-profit, meaning it is established for purposes other than making a profit for its owners or shareholders. Instead, non-profits are typically focused on a mission that benefits the community, members, or a particular cause – in this case, the Bangladeshi diaspora and Bangladesh. Any surplus revenues generated are reinvested into the organization’s activities rather than distributed as dividends.
  2. Life Membership: This membership category would allow individuals to pay a one-time fee to become members of the BDGDC for life. Life members would not need to renew their membership annually and would generally have the same rights and benefits as regular members, potentially including voting rights, access to exclusive content or events, and other member-specific offerings.
  3. General Membership: General membership is usually the basic level of membership open to anyone who wishes to join and supports the organization’s goals. This type of membership might require the payment of annual dues and could entail certain rights such as the ability to attend meetings, vote on important issues, and participate in organization-sponsored activities.
  4. Student Membership: Given that students often have limited financial resources, this category would offer reduced membership fees or special benefits tailored to their needs and interests. Student memberships encourage younger individuals’ participation and engagement, which may be vital for an organization focused on community and cultural connectivity.
  5. Free Membership: Some organizations offer a free membership category to make participation accessible to all, regardless of financial status. This can help to broaden the member base, increase diversity within the organization, and ensure inclusiveness. Free members may have access to basic benefits but might not hold the same voting rights or level of access as those who pay for their membership.

By offering these different categories, the BDGDC would be able to cater to a wide range of individuals within the Bangladeshi diaspora, ensuring its reach and relevancy to as many people as possible. Each of these membership types would be defined by specific criteria, obligations, and benefits, which would be outlined in the organization’s bylaws or membership policy documents.

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