About Bangladeshi Global Diaspora Council

Welcome to BDGDC

Why Join the Company OUR FEE

The Bangladeshi Global Diaspora Council (BDGDC) is a global non-profit organization established in January 2023 with the objective to embrace, engage and enhance the shared heritage, aspirations, and interests of persons of Bangladeshi origin with optimum inclusivity. It shall be secular and non-political with a centrally located secretariat and global country-wise network of chapters and affiliates and collaborating with governments, institutions, organizations, and agencies to achieve its objectives.

  • ·To foster, develop and promote good citizenship, civic pride, social, technological, and economic empowerment to achieve greater upliftment, understanding, cooperation, collaboration, and support among and between people of Bangladeshi origin globally.
  • To render constructive civic services for the promotion and welfare of the Bangladeshi Diaspora community and to inculcate civic consciousness by means of active participation in constructive projects which will improve local, regional and global Bangladeshi communities.
  • To constantly and actively monitor related Bangladeshi Diaspora community issues and facilitate forums, symposia and trade conventions for timely interchange, discussion, debate, and planning for appropriate actions involving associated community groups, associations, institutions and leaders among the Bangladeshi Diaspora and among other groups as well.
  • To actively solicit respective governmental, institutional, public and private resources for related advice, collaboration, support and assistance for the Bangladeshi Diaspora community.
  • To inform, educate and engage members of the Bangladeshi Diaspora community on critical community issues, for individual and group enrichment.
  • To encourage and facilitate timely suggestions, feedback, suggestions, recommendations and responses from the Bangladeshi Diaspora community on current issues, problems and prospects for redress and resolution, and provide timely information using updated technological methods.
  • To petition respective governmental, public and private entities for redress of grievances and complaints for favorable results benefiting the Bangladeshi Diaspora community.
  • To provide appropriate advice, referrals and information on current and critical matters which are necessary for the average Bangladeshi Diaspora community member to confront and resolve issues of interest and concern.
  • To establish relational base links with other groups and organizations for mutual interchange of common concerns, problems and prospects for engagement and progress.

BDGDC 2030 Agenda


Friendship’s objective is to give opportunity, dignity and hope to all communities it work with which is in line with the “leave no one behind” UNDP 2030 agenda.

What is the 2030 Agenda?

The United Nations General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda) in September 2015. The Agenda consists of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 accompanying targets. These goals and targets were formulated through a participatory and multi-stakeholder process that involved states, global civil society and many other actors. The 17 Goals are successors to the 8 Millennium Development Goals (2000) and aim to be a comprehensive set of targets that tackle poverty and inequality. The 17 Goals cover a range of sustainable development1 issues, including poverty and hunger, health, education, gender equality, climate change and others. The 2030 Agenda takes action in critical areas of importance: People, Planet, Prosperity Peace and Partnership. Its objectives include for all human beings to enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives, to end poverty and hunger in all their forms, to protect the planet from degradation and take urgent action against climate change, and to foster peaceful, just and inclusive societies. By tackling such a wide range of development issues, the Agenda aims by 2030 to make significant progress across the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. Key features of the 2030 Agenda are its emphasis on universality, inclusiveness and partnerships. The SDGs are applicable to all countries, regardless of development status. This recognizes the shared responsibility the international community has towards sustainable development, as well as the interconnected nature of today’s sustainable development issues. By calling for all countries to play an active role in promoting development, the 2030 Agenda recognizes that issues will only be tackled effectively if a holistic approach is taken. To this end, the SDGs call for a revitalized global partnership for sustainable development.

Given the multi-disciplinary nature of the Goals and their applicability to all countries, making them a reality requires strong and proactive multi-stakeholder collaboration by engaging a wide range of actors in all aspects of implementation.